Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Grand Trine, The Blind Shake and Holy Cobras, Babylon Nightclub, 16/01/10

This was a pretty tops show which I kinda wasn't expecting from Ottawa. I do like to be proven wrong though.

Holy Cobras were bone-grooving fun, despite sunglasses on stage, The Blind Shake were good but I didn't warm to them as much as the others, and Grand Trine were brutal. The kids went nuts, the singer got all Iggy Pop on everyone and they did a Wipers covers. Top shit. I missed several photo ops towards the end as I received a bit of a battering and soon after my neurosis grew and I feared for my precious camera so I put it away, regretfully.

To the photos, then.


edit: I can't figure out this formatting shit, click on the snaps and you'll get the whole picture rather than the cut-in-half ones on the page.

I Started A Blog

For posting photos from gigs and what not, steal at your will. Credit to Dimity Kasz (or just this link) if you're feeling kind.

I have a flickr too which may have some different snaps, and you can suss out what I'm listening to over at my last.fm

Brutal etc.




About Me

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A lackadaisical photo blog of bands I sometimes see. Feel free to use them (even better if you can link them, too).
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